It might seem intimidating at first, but after you get out and do it, you’ll see that breastfeeding on-the-go isn’t that scary after all. It’s better for you and your baby because when you feel more comfortable breastfeeding in a variety of different situations, you’re more likely to breastfeed exclusively and for a longer duration of time. You don’t have to stay cooped up in the house because you’re breastfeeding. Take advantage of the freedom and get out and do the things you like to do or have to do. Whether it’s taking a break from staying in, running errands, going on an outing, visiting family and friends, or even going on vacation, breastfeeding doesn’t have to hold you back. Since you already have your breast milk supply with you, all you need is your child, a few items in a bag, and you’re off! Breastfeeding on-the-go doesn’t take much effort, plus it’s convenient. When you’re breastfeeding:

Your breast milk is always ready. You don’t have to prepare a bottle for your baby.Your milk is always the right temperature. You don’t have to find somewhere to heat it up or find an electric outlet for a bottle warmer.You can pack light. The diaper bag is easier to carry without the weight of extra bottles of formula or water to mix powdered formula.Clean up is a breeze. There won’t be any bottles and nipples to clean, and you don’t have to put dirty bottles and nipples back into your diaper bag to wash when you get to where you’re going.You’re saving money. Since you make your own milk and have a natural dispenser, you don’t have to buy bottles or disposable formula bottles and nipples to bring with you. Now you’ll have that much more to spend on your outing.

Leaving the House, Modesty, and Public Breastfeeding Anxiety

Some women have no problem breastfeeding in public. They will breastfeed wherever they are or in front of whoever is around, and that’s great. But not all moms are that confident and relaxed about breastfeeding in public. You may be wondering: Where should you feed the baby? How can you be discreet? What should you do if someone says something to you about it? Your concerns are common and understandable. But, with some preparation, a little practice, and a bit of helpful advice, you’ll be feeling more comfortable about breastfeeding in public before you know it. The truth is, most of the time when you’re out, you can breastfeed, and no one will even notice. Plus, the more you get out and do it, the more confident, and discreet you’ll be.

Tips for Breastfeeding On-the-Go

Bringing Pumped Breast Milk on Your Outings

If you don’t feel comfortable breastfeeding while you’re out, you have the option to pump and bring your expressed breast milk with you. However, your breasts will still fill up with breast milk. If you’re not going to be out for too long and you can handle a little breast engorgement, then you should be OK. If you’re going to be out for more than a few hours, you may need to find a place to pump. You’ll also need to store your expressed breast milk safely until you get home. It may just be easier to find a quiet place to breastfeed.

Breastfeeding Toddlers On-the-Go

By the time your child’s a toddler, you’ll be an expert at breastfeeding on-the-go. But, then all of sudden you have a new issue. Discreet breastfeeding with a toddler can be a little tricky. And, while it’s becoming more normalized to breastfeed an infant, that’s not always true when it comes to toddlers. On top of that, toddlers who breastfeed can start to undress you in public or grab at your breasts. They can talk and yell, too. You’re likely to get a variety of looks if you breastfeed an older child in public. Now, if you’re confident and can handle that, go for it. But, if it bothers you then you may have to come up with some rules for your toddler when you’re out. A code word is a great way for your little one to let you know that she wants to nurse. When your child says the word, you can find a private place to feed her. Of course, at some point, you may decide that breastfeeding only happens at home, and that’s OK, too.