Create a Behavior Chart for Your Child

Here are seven steps to creating an effective behavior chart.

Identify the Desired Behavior

Choose which behavior you want to address first. It’s best to start simple, by focusing on only a few behaviors you want to address (we recommend selecting up to three). Working on too many behaviors at a time can be confusing. Frame the behavior in a positive manner—state what you want to see your child do. For example, rather than saying, “No hitting,” try “Use gentle touches with the cat.”

Decide How Often to Give Rewards

Think about how often your child is going to need feedback for their good behavior. You may want to reward your child mid-morning, late afternoon, or evening. Or, divide the day up into three distinct segments: before school, after school, and bedtime. You may also decide it’s best to concentrate on the behavior during one part of the day only. 

Identify Larger Rewards

While sticker charts may motivate a preschool-age child for a while, most kids need to exchange those stickers for bigger rewards to stay motivated. Rewards, however, don’t need to be expensive. There are many free and low-cost rewards that can be very effective. It’s essential to use rewards that your child is interested in earning. For some kids, electronics time could be an effective reward. For other kids, staying up an extra 15 minutes could be the best reward. Get your child to offer input into the things she wants to earn. Then, she’ll be especially motivated to work toward those rewards. 

Establish a Goal

Create a realistic goal that outlines when your child will be rewarded. You may want a daily goal such as, “If you earn three checkmarks today, we’ll play a game after dinner.” Older kids may be able to wait a little longer for a reward. Consider a goal such as, “If you get five checkmarks for handing in your homework on time this week, we’ll go to the park on Friday after school.”

Explain the Chart

Talk to your child about the behavior chart. Make it clear that the chart is about helping him, not punishing him. Talk about how it’s up to him to earn privileges and rewards for his good behavior. Give your child an opportunity to ask questions about how the behavior chart works. 

Use Praise for Added Reinforcement

It’s important to use praise in addition to the behavior chart. Then, as your child learns new behaviors and masters new skills, you can phase out your rewards and use praise only.

Adjust as Needed

Sometimes, reward systems require a little trial and error. If the behavior chart seems too easy for your child, adjust his goal to make it a little more challenging. As your child’s skills improve, phase out a specific behavior you’re working on and add another behavior. There are many behaviors that respond well to reward systems. If your child grows tired of a behavior chart, consider replacing it with a token economy system.