Your partner can rub your back while in this position. Or they can simply hold you up. You could also have someone else, like your doula, rub your back while you focus on your husband. Using a partner to squat can add stability, particularly if you’re feeling shaky, which is common later in labor. This position also works well if you’re not used to squatting. I like that it also allows you to feel really close to your partner and that you can face them or face outwards. Squatting can really open up the pelvic outlet to let your baby come down. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that labor is not the first time that you have attempted to squat. Certainly, practice prior to labor is very helpful. While it’s always best if you can squat with your feet flat on the floor, do not panic if you can’t do that. But do support the feet by placing something under her heel. You can also try leaning over a ball. Use the ball on the bed or, if on the floor, just have mom kneel on something softer, like towels or blankets to protect her knees. If you didn’t have a ball, you could also use a stack of linens or pillows to support her upper body. Even just having someone sit next to you while you labor in a position can be comforting. This is a great way to allow both parties to rest, while still being actively engaged in labor. This works really well for pushing. It gives the mother the ability to use gravity by being very upright, but she’s well supported by someone else. This is one that takes some upper body strength, so not just anyone can help with this position. It even works well if the partner is sitting in a chair and mom is squatting between their legs.