
Allergies are caused by an abnormal immune response during which an otherwise harmless substance, such as dust or pollen, triggers the release of histamine into the bloodstream. Histamine is the chemical responsible for such allergy symptoms as:

SneezingNasal congestionRunny noseItchy, watery eyesMouth or throat itchinessWheezingCoughingDifficulty breathingChest tightness

Seasonal allergies are those related to the increased output of pollen from trees, grasses, weeds, and other plants. Depending on the types of pollen the child is reactive to, the allergy season can run anywhere from early spring right through to late fall.

Treatment Options

Treatment of seasonal allergies involves either the suppression of histamine or the alleviation of allergy symptoms. Before starting your child on an allergy medicine, even an over-the-counter one, consult your child’s pediatrician. Options include:

Decongestants, available in oral and topical formulations, which help clear nasal mucus and improve breathing Oral antihistamines, such as Claritin (loratadine), Zyrtec (cetirizine), Allegra (fexofenadine) Antihistamine eye drops, such as Zaditor (ketotifen fumarate) Steroid nasal sprays, such Flonase and Nasacort, to open blocked passages and stop nasal drip Steroid-free nasal sprays, such as the antihistamine Astepro (azelastine hydrochloride), to treat symptoms of seasonal allergies and allergic rhinitis

Treating children with allergy medications can be challenging. In some cases, a drug may work better in adults than children. In others, even a recommended dosage for children may cause side effects. For example, oral decongestants can cause stimulation, leading to hyperactivity, anxiety, or insomnia. Topical decongestants can only be used for a short time; otherwise, they can cause a rebound effect (a stuffy nose that is more difficult to treat than the original allergy symptoms).

What You Can Do at Home

The first and best way to deal with a seasonal allergy is to prevent it. Minimize exposure to pollens and molds by keeping the child indoors, closing windows, and recirculating the air in the car rather than opening the vents. Never overtreat a child by doubling up doses, using two different antihistamines at the same time, or increasing the frequency of dosing. Experience will often tell a parent which types of allergens a child reacts to. In early spring, the prime suspects are tree pollens and molds. Those occurring from summer to fall are typically related to ragweed. You can also check pollen and mold levels either through your local weather service or the National Allergy Bureau website. Among the non-pharmaceutical options to seasonal allergies:

Gargle with salt water to relieve a sore throat.Use a cold compress to help relieve nasal pressure or itchy eyes.Use a HEPA or humidifier to reduce particles circulating in the air.Use a neti pot (nasal irrigation).Vacuum regularly. “Pet-friendly” vacuums are especially good for this.

When to See a Doctor

If an allergy is interfering with the child’s quality of life, you should set an appointment with your pediatrician. In some cases, you may be referred to an allergist who can perform tests to identify the specific allergens your child is reacting to. With that information, the doctor may prescribe allergy shots to desensitize the child to specific triggers. If you are struggling to manage the symptoms in your child, do not hesitate to see a pediatrician. In some cases, there may be multiple or cross-reactive allergies affecting your child or other causes that may simply be mimicking the symptoms of allergy.