Most of these conditions and side effects are well known. But there is one pregnancy symptom that doesn’t get talked about nearly as much as the others, and is actually quite common—pregnancy rhinitis, or having a stuffy nose during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Rhinitis 

Pregnancy rhinitis is characterized by having congestion and cold-like symptoms during pregnancy that are not linked to viruses, allergies, or other medical conditions, but which are caused by the pregnancy itself. According to a study published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, pregnancy rhinitis is very common. Of the 117 pregnant women surveyed in the study, 39% experienced symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis. Although pregnancy rhinitis can happen at any time during pregnancy, it may be most common in the second trimester of pregnancy. Of the 117 moms reporting pregnancy rhinitis symptoms in the study, the majority were in week 13 to 21 of pregnancy.


Experts aren’t certain what causes pregnancy rhinitis, but point to the hormones of pregnancy, and how they affect the nasal passages, as a potential cause. According to Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, pregnancy rhinitis may be caused by “numerous substances and hormones secreted during pregnancy (PGH, VIP, estrogen, progesterone).” These hormones and substances cause your nasal passages to secrete more mucus and to experience increased blood flow, both of which can cause symptoms of nasal congestion, nasal irritation, and even clogged ears.


Everyone will experience the symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis a little differently, but the main symptoms are increased mucus in your nasal passages, as well as pressure, and a feeling of being “stuffed up.” It’s important to remember that pregnancy rhinitis is not just characterized by increased mucus, but also includes increased blood flow to the nasal passages, which is why there is also a feeling of congestion and pressure. Here are the most common symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis:

Postnasal dripIncreased mucusIncreased nasal congestionPressure in the earsSneezingDecreased sense of smell due to congestionDisturbed sleep due to congestion or postnasal drip

How Long Does Pregnancy Rhinitis Last?

Pregnancy rhinitis may come and go during pregnancy, but generally only lasts a few days or weeks at a time. However, some pregnant women experience it steadily throughout pregnancy. Pregnancy rhinitis symptoms should diminish soon after giving birth, usually within a week or so.

Is It Ever Serious?

Pregnancy rhinitis alone isn’t a serious condition. However, because it can disrupt sleep and decrease your quality of life, it can feel debilitating. Occasionally, pregnancy rhinitis can lead to ear infections, sinusitis, or an exacerbation of asthma symptoms. Most pregnant people don’t experience symptoms that disrupt their quality of life or health due to pregnancy rhinitis, but if you do, you should bring this up with a healthcare provider, and talk about ways to safely decrease your symptoms.

How Is Pregnancy Rhinitis Diagnosed?

To diagnose pregnancy rhinitis, a healthcare provider will need to rule out other causes of nasal congestion and irritation first. These include viruses, bacterial infections, and allergies. They will likely examine you, and ask you a series of questions. If you have never been tested for allergies before, the doctor may perform allergy tests or send you to an allergist for further testing. Once all other causes of rhinitis are ruled out, you will likely be diagnosed with non-allergic rhinitis—in this case, pregnancy rhinitis. Don’t worry, this is something healthcare providers see very often. They will likely not be alarmed, and will simply discuss safe and gentle ways to treat your symptoms.


For many pregnant people, pregnancy rhinitis is just an annoyance, as well as something that may feel worrisome. However, if your symptoms are impacting your life in any substantial way, you should talk to a doctor about possible treatments. Some of these treatments may include:

Using a humidifier in your homeKeeping yourself well hydratedSteering clear of any nasal irritants, such as cigarette smoke or excessive pollutionExercising regularly (to decrease congestion symptoms and increase your quality of sleep)Elevating your head while sleeping or reclining—sometimes just an extra pillow or two will do the trickConsidering nasal strips, saline spray/drop, or other nasal irrigators; always discuss these interventions with a healthcare provider being trying them.

Over-The-Counter Nasal Decongestants

Most nasal decongestants are not considered safe during the first trimester of pregnancy. After that, nasal decongestants may be used sparingly, and always under the advisement of a doctor. In some cases, using nasal decongestants to treat pregnancy rhinitis actually may make symptoms worse, especially if used for a prolonged period.

A Word From Verywell

If you have been blessed with an incredibly stuffy nose during pregnancy, you are definitely not alone! It’s a very common, and sometimes extremely annoying condition. You should be assured that in most cases, it’s nothing serious, and is usually something that passes on its own, as is the case with most irritating pregnancy symptoms. However, if your symptoms are intense, seem to come on suddenly, and are accompanied by any other worrying symptoms, you should speak to a healthcare provider. Finally, pregnancy rhinitis is not something you should just suffer through. If your symptoms are interfering with your sleep or impacting your day-to-day life, talk to a healthcare provider about safe and effective ways to treat the issue so you can start feeling better.